Youth Program

Jordan has one of the youngest populations in the World, with 62% of its population under the age of 30 years. As this large population of youth grows older and begins to enter the workforce, the demographic transition presents a unique opportunity for Jordan but it is not without its challenges.

Youth human capital (males and females) is at the core of Keys operations. Through the investment in their potentials and the employment of their capabilities in the areas of education, nutrition, health, services, and social and environmental work. The opportunity for joint effort between different social groups is given to serve families, youth, women, children, and persons with disabilities on an International level while encouraging organizations to invest in the wealth of human capital.

Youth Program Projects:

Jordan Debates Leaders (Jadal)

A youth-oriented program that aims to provide everyone with a safe environment for dialogue and acceptance. It contributes to the prevention of social violence and extremist ideologies while providing individuals with the tools necessary for reducing extremism within a fame that promotes change and positivity in society.

One of the goals of the program is giving individuals the opportunity to find suitable careers and qualifying them with the skills needed in the job market. This is considered one of the early mechanisms to protect youth from involving in extremist organizations and extremist ideologies.

Keys' experience proved that the impact of the program exceeded the direct beneficiaries. Participants spread the knowledge and messages they gained from the program in their universities, homes, and communities. The impact was expanded through the internet and through anti-hatred and anti-extremism initiatives led by youth.

Intro Videos